

This section of the documentation will cover how to get stats from the API.

Accessible on https://dux.xhyrom.dev/v2/stats

Stats object

Represents number of experiments and endpoints

Stats Structure:

experimentsexperiment stats objectExperiment stats
endpointsintegerTotal sum of endpoints

Experiment Stats Object

Represents number of experiments

Stats Structure:

totalintegerTotal sum of experiments
kindexperiment kind objectSum of experiments by kind

Experiment Kind Object

Represents number of experiments by kind

Kind Structure:

guildintegerSum of guild experiments
userintegerSum of user experiments
  • Other experiments are experiments that are not guild or user specific. This will be always 0, because there are no other experiments.

Fetching stats

You can fetch stats from the API by sending a GET request to https://dux.xhyrom.dev/v2/stats

GET https://dux.xhyrom.dev/v2/stats

Returns a stats object